ATC CHAIRMAN’S VISIT: Mr. Hirohisa Shintoku’s Landmark 2023 Tour of ATC

By: Jose Romen H. Gualberto – Vice President – Manufacturing 2

The RMA Transmission Project is a key initiative for MMC’s upcoming new vehicle launch, prompting MMC to send Mr. Hirohisa Shintoku, General Manager of MMC Kyoto Plant and ATC Board Chairman, to oversee its progress. Shintoku-san, who visited ATC previously in 2014, returned on March 8 for a two-day review of RMA activities before mass production.

On March 9, 2023, he received a warm welcome from ATC’s ExCom and ManCom members and toured the ATC plant, where departments like PED, BHT, HTD, and more presented their project updates.

A simple bento lunch and a tree-planting ceremony marked the day, followed by a visit to ATC’s sister company, MMPC in Sta. Rosa.

On March 10, 2023, he visited local suppliers, including Metal Cast, Daiwa Seiko, and Aichi Forge. Before departing on March 11, Shintoku-san expressed satisfaction with ATC’s organization and cleanliness, confident in ATC’s readiness for the RMA Project’s success. He looks forward to returning for RMA’s mass production launch.