ATC’s Pursuit For Greener Production

By: Meinrad D. Cruz – Department Manager – Heat Treatment Department

ATC secured its initial ISO 14001 certification in year 2000. This is the year when I joined the company and I had a first hand involvement to reach that milestone. Even prior to the ISO 14001 certification, ATC values the environment by complying to all the environmental regulations. Since then I get to work in ATC involving in various activities to continuously improve in protecting the environment as Safety and Pollution Control Officer.

Twenty years later, though in a different department and with more trust given by the company, I spearheaded the completion of one of the trendsetter in the industry, the “Rooftop On-grid Solar PV Project”. With a capacity of 1.75 MWp, It could support the current peak demand of the Plant Operation. Not only it reduces the company’s monthly electric bill but it was implemented with a ZERO investment. This project shifts the operation electricity dependency to grid power, which is of high carbon emission factor to zero at 20-30%. On January (7) 2024, a simple ceremony was held to commemorate the start of its operation.

The culture of environmental protection is not only within ATC but to the whole MMC family. Each member has sharing a venue to share its ideas so it could be implemented as broad as possible. The MMC family has a CN 2050 goal. This is to zero the carbon emission of the MMC family by year 2050.

As member of ATC family, let us support and be proud of the environmental initiatives our company. It is for the future, for our children. More Power to ATC and MMC.